Week 4: Sept 27-2

1. What is the main message of the webcast? What are 3-4 key takeaways from the presentation?

The main message of the webcast was to inform us on how to achieve success today in social media. Some takeaways we received from this video were on how social media ties into existing organizational goals. We also understood how the six key objectives that marketers are using in social media today should always be considered when developing a social media marketing initiative because without these six important objectives, then marketers would not know how to catch the consumer’s attention and influence them to buy your product. They have a choice to decide which objectives work and don’t work, and from there know how to target and reach their consumers interest in their brand. This webcast also gave us the proven strategies to achieve each objective. Also you have to take into consideration that social media is part of the marketing mix, meaning that consumer’s do not rely on just one brand, you have to keep your consumer’s interest in your product by the six key objectives given in this webcast.

2. What are the six key objectives for which marketers are using social media?

The six key objectives marketers are using in social media are (1) Building Brand Awareness (2) Making Customer Service Personal (3) Event Marketing (4) Product Launches (5) Building Sales Pipeline and (6) Community Activation. You can build brand awareness by trying to reach more people through extensive networks and delivering messages to new audiences you would not intend to reach. Marketers’ number one goal is to reach a large audience in social media because people follow brands to learn more about them; they want to be informed who you are, what you are, and what you do. For instance, the example given in the webcast was Tom shoes; they informed us that every pair we buy, a new pair of shoes will be given to a child in need. Making customer service personal is also a very important key objective in social media. In order to do so, you need to discover new customers and issues on social channels, share real time updates to keep your customers informed, and need to have an immediate response and interaction with customers. Event Marketing means to promote event details, activities, and news broadly. You can do this by sharing real time reminders and updates to ensure your network that they have every opportunity to be in the right place at the right time and to generate thought, leadership, and content with community members who aren’t present. Event marketing makes it easier to share and easier to spread quicker. Another key objective marketers are using in social media is product launches. They do this by launching affordable channels to attract huge audiences, by building excitement by introducing network with information and offering limited deals, and also you need to show customers a new product with persuasive demonstrations, not just tell people what is in a new product. Next, you need to build sales pipeline, meaning that the social media is where your prospects are spending time, and this would be a great opportunity to attract customers to your website. Lastly, community activation also plays a big role in social media. In order to do so, you need to achieve a closer connection between brand and the community, and by having interactivity will drive action. One reason people often take action is because an incentive is in their involvement.

3. The presenters provide several examples of companies that use social media to achieve the key objectives. In your own words, can you elaborate on at least one of them? When you elaborate, can you provide a few videos/ or screen shots to support your narrative.

The endless amount of products offered to consumers can pop up anywhere, whether it’s on the T.V. or radio there are constant updates for abundance of goods. The way a consumer searches for a certain products varies, however it helps markets to explore every venue of social media. By doing this it help the consumers find information for most avenues they may use. The webcast demonstrated how and why marketers should participate in as many social media channels as they see fit, and they spoke about a handful of companies who do just that. For further observation of the route some companies take to ensure their customers get the information they are looking for, we researched on Samsung. Among the business represented in the webcast we knew little about Samsung. While exploring the website we found it easy and accessible to search and find what we were looking for. Not only can you find facts on current and future products on the website, but you can follow tabs to articles and news. They know just as well as we do that new products come out more quickly so they are constantly updating their news through the webpage. Currently, Samsung works through Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Flickr, and Google buzz. One feature we found fun and extremely beneficial was that they have their own channel on YouTube. This is another way consumer can inform themselves on potential products, and it’s helpful for consumers to see the product in action. If you follow the link below it will guide you to Samusung YouTube channel. Social media channels, if used well, can be extremely beneficial to a lot of companies. The webinar was a great, instructional aid for companies who are not sure why or how it could work for their company.


4. Finally some closing thoughts.

All in all, there are many tools companies are faced with that may seem like the ticket they need to kick off their marketing, however social media is still a recent channel for companies to explain. And there are many ways to do social media wrong. One hardship for marketers can be getting started. The webinar went over knowing your business and the consumers you see as your target market. Because there are so many ways to reach consumers, marketers must consider which way will catch the most attention. Most companies stick to Facebook and twitter as technological necessity but to go further and set yourself aside from companies it’s important to explore other venues. With all these options it can be very stressful, but staying true to your company and the mission that represents it can be seen as the most important tool to social media.

References: http://www.samsung.com/us/news/newsList.do?gltype=localnews

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