Pocket Guide-PNB

1. The webcast demonstrated six “objectives” firms should be aware of and use actively to have successful social media campaigns. Some key takeaways include brand imaging and awareness. The positive image the firm generated by the firm promotes positive feed back from consumers. The positive feedback is shared with huge audiences, unlike in the past. One of the most important takeaways from the webcast is the importance of interaction between a firm and its customers. Without the interaction, consumers are more likely to pass negative feedback to potential consumers. This negative feedback, without access to it by the firm, can ultimately destroy the image of the firm. The interaction process should personal. The firm should provide the tools to their consumers to voice opinions and share the information the consumer needs to resolve problematic issues.

2. The six key objectives for which marketers are using social media are:

-Building Brand Awareness
-Making Customer Service Personal
-Event Marketing
-Product Launches
-Building Sales Pipeline
-Community Activation

3. Best Buy has made Customer Service extremely personal by adding "twelpforce". The twelpforce is accessed by all store employees and allows the employees to answer questions to customers who are not in the store. This furthers the reach of Best Buy stores to non-measurable area. The twelpforce is also able to share new things about best buy to all of their followers before they even have to ask. The following was a tweet by a member of the twelpforce.
»twelpforceTwelpforce Best Buy
So, you think you know everything about #BESTBUY? Think again! Let me show you somthing you dont know: http://bit.ly/nNAj17 via @BBFBNJ
In essence, Best Buy is using the one objective (making customer service personal) and turning it into Brand awareness (by participating in the discussions and being there for their customers), product launches(as well as additional services provided as in the link above), a sales pipeline (by having links available to redirect to the phiscal store), and Community Activation (by involving the community in their discussions).
The webcast really showed the involvement required from the firm in six small objectives. But with the small objectives, it has provided the stepping stones to what the webcast calls the “Social Media Pocket Guide.” With these objectives the firm should be able to create a successful social media campaign. It is important that firms continue the process and do not stop the campaign early. The social media campaigns are published and can permanently influence potential buyers. Stay active and do not forfeit for any reason!

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