Ivillage (Canyon, America)

The purpose of ivillage is to have a place where women to talk and ask questions about a wide range of topics including pregnancy and parenting, home and garden, food, health, entertainment, beauty, and love and sex. The site is easy to navigate and has many pictures and videos. Ivillage has an app so users can connect to ivillage whenever they want. This site is different than other popular sites in that it is exclusive to women only and it touches on topics that are important to them. Ivillage is specialized to the interests of its users, women. All conversations are open and focused not on what users are doing but their ideas and feelings on particular topics. There are more than 30 million users for this site. This site caters to women who are looking for help, wanting to answer questions, or just looking for a friend to chat with about what’s going on in their lives. According to ivillage, their site is for “everyday women… to connect, share advice, find life tools and engage in conversations that matter most to them”. According to quancast.com, the usual users are white women between the age of 18 to 49 and the majority have no kids. The users talk about whatever affects their lives. While on the site, there was a conversation between a few women about whether they were going to cancel their subscription to Netflix or not since the recent commotion with their changed rates. Common advertisements on this site were for fabric softener, make-up, clothing stores and many other products that have women as their target market. The ads for women’s products were relevant because the site is made for women and the advertised products show up often in the conversations being had on the site. It would seem obvious that any product that is made for women would benefit from advertising on this site. Netflix could use the conversation on this site that pertains to them to learn what their customers think of their product, help to curve the conversation to be positive for their image, and for them to better understand their customers.

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