marathon matt YELP review



For my review I chose Marathon Matt. This is a program for runners in California that gives people guidance on how to build endurance and how to become better at running itself in the process while staying healthy.

A)    Who are these people? Where do they belong (go beyond their city of residence; we know that already)?

The people that are doing this program are just normal people who want to be in shape or in more shape than they are already in. the belong to the active, wanting to stay healthy group of America.

b) What is their main complaint(s)?

After reading about 6 post, I noticed that there were no complaints. All of the reviews were very positive about Matts’ strategies ad very supportive of his program. This leads me to believe that these runners must have been beginners at running or that Matts program is just that great.

c) What do you think motivated them write such an extensive review? (especially considering the fact that you and me typically don't do the same even when we are thoroughly satisfied or dissatisfied with the products that we consume.

What I think motivated these people to write these reviews is that the product was just that good. Every review I read was more than supportive about the product and its results. Another reason why people were so positive about the product was because the business was local and not just some big hot shot company. The people who did Matts program probably got to know him personally and that made the people want to talk good about him and get the word out.

d) What are the most apparent and some hidden motivations? The most apparent motivations for these reviewers is that they just wanted to spread the word about the product because it helped them the way they wanted to be helped. one hidden motivations may be that they know Matt and just wanted to help him and his business out.

4) If you are a smart marketer (which you are!) (lets say the owners of the businesses listed on the respective pages), how do you deal with this information? What are your courses of action? More importantly, how do you engage with these potential 'influencers' so that you develop a steady stream of a positive feedback/WOM loop that will stay online and attract other consumers?
If I was the one who owned this business and I read these reviews I would keep doing exactly what I was doing and try to make more advance training programs as the runners start to get better and better. From what I read no one dislikes what Matt is doing so why change your strategy or anything about your business model. I would just try to keep up with my programs so I don’t lose my current customers.

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